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Purchase Ink2go License For Mac

Create the directory /Library/Application Support/Imagineer Systems/FLEXlm/Licenses and copy the license file ‘mochapro.lic’ if you stiil have a problem – check this directory again, program may have created the clone of this directory – put license file in latest created directory, delete the one you created, enjoy. Ink2Go 1.7.28 - Screen annotation and recording solution for presentations. Download the latest versions of the best Mac apps at safe and trusted MacUpdate Download, install, or update Ink2Go for Mac from MacUpdate.

Ink2Go is a screen annotation and recording solution that lets you write on top of your active desktop applications in real time. Save your annotations as image files or even record the entire annotation process as a sharable video!

I've searched a lot for this and not found a clear answer. Basically I'd like to purchase Microsoft Office.

Purchase Ink2go License For Mac 2017

My wife just bought a Macbook Pro, and I only have an old 2003 version on my PC + laptop. Ideally I'd like to purchase Mac Office 2011 for my wife, with a license to use it on both my PC and laptop as Office 2010 AND with the option to upgrade to 2013 on my laptop & PC when it's released.

Also, as an option, my wife is a teacher so is there an Academic price available discount somewhere? Is what I want possible? I am pretty desperate, my wife needs to use Mac Office today and so I am under some heavy spousal pressure;) Thanks guys! Hi, Office for Windows, and Office for Mac, are separate products, and they are not bundled together. There are some academic/educational offers available, there is Office 2010 University (for Windows), and some institutions have student/staff offers available. I think the academic/educational offerings require some kind of verification, and that may not be possible in the timeframe you've been set:( these links should help (USA info/pricing): H&S 2010 $149.99 (up to 3 pc's, transferable, non-commercial use) $99.95 (PKC, single machine, not transferable) Office University requires verification of student status buy Office2010 now, get a free upgrade to Office2013 when it's released: Office for Mac NB: products purchased under PKC terms are usually not transferable from one computer to another computer.

Products purchased under FPP terms are usually transferable from one computer to another computer. (notwithstanding that Windows software can't run on Mac, and vice-versa). Also note that H&S, or academic/university, are for non-commercial use.

Don (Please take a moment to 'Vote as Helpful' and/or 'Mark as Answer', where applicable. This helps the community, keeps the forums tidy, and recognises useful contributions. MS is no longer selling Office 2010 to consumers. It is only selling Office 2013.

BUT, the new Office 365 (2013) Home Premium license sounds like what you are looking for. It allows you to install on up to 5 computers at the same time and to easily transfer those installations to new computers as needed. It gives you Office 2013 on PCs and the same license allows you to install Office 2008 on Mac computers as part of the 5 allowed installations. The Mac version will be upgraded 'for free' and automatically when the new Mac version is released.

It currently costs US$100 per year. There is a 'University' discount bundle but it is only for Post Secondary Students. She would have to talk to her IT person to see if the school/school board has a license that gives her access to the HUP (Home Use Program). The HUP is part of the Office SA (Software Assurance) feature of site/volume licenses Software Assurance Benefits There are over a dozen SA benefits and the amount of benefits your organization has depends on the licensing agreement. The list below highlights the most popular benefits associated with Office.

when they are released within the time of your agreement. where you get onsite consulting services to create a deployment plan when you are getting ready to deploy new software. This service is available for desktop products (Office & Windows), SharePoint, Exchange and OCS. You can also use Business Planning services to help you get more efficiency out of your software solution. for technical, classroom training to help you keep your IT staff up to date. is online training to get your users trained on new software to prepare for a new software implementation, or to help them be more productive on current software.

(HUP) provides a license of Office, at a minimal cost, to employees for their home computers allowing them to become more proficient with the software they use at work, when they are using it at home. Microsoft takes the support calls for the home use licenses so it can also help reduce the support calls going to your IT staff. to help you keep your IT infrastructure up and running. for Software Assurance subscription to provide a community of information for all of your IT issues and questions., which enables you to deploy a single image of Office with support for 37 languages. For a complete list of SA benefits. If she has been assigned an Office 365 license at school (yes, I know the chance of that is about zero, but.) then she can use one of her 5 allowed installations at home.


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2012 12 06- Everything you need to know about Office 2013 Office 2013 on sale - Is it Worth Getting? What’s the difference between Office 365 and Office 2013 local install? The 'base' applications are the same. Office 365 is the next attempt of MS to MAKE MORE MONEY! Or at least to create a steady flow of 'rental' income rather than the bursts of new version 'purchase' income (of course if you read the terms of the license we are not actually 'purchasing' our local copies of Office, we are just licensing it and MS can revoke that license any time they feel like it).

Yes, depending on the Office 365 package you get, the monthly rent will sooner or later end up costing more than a purchase. But, if you look at the packages you'll see that they include more features than the 'base' local install includes. Things like 'free' (well part of the 365 bundle) Skydrive storage.

But also things like SharePoint functionality without having to set up your own server installation. Server, Office-on-Demand: This option provides a single Office application on demand to users when they need it. The Office application is streamed to the PC but is not permanently installed. Office 365 Home Premium allows you to 'install' on up to 5 home computers. And a bunch of other 'stuff'. Another advantage of the Office 365 bundle is that you won't have to buy 'Office 16', it will appear 'automatically' as part of your 'rental' deal. Microsoft Reality: Understanding Touch - Microsoft Office 2013 and Office 365: A Deeper Dive (slide show) So the question becomes, how safe do you feel running your business in the 'cloud', and storing your personal, confidential, proprietary data files in MS 'cloud' storage.

The paranoid 'security freaks' out there will ask uncomfortable questions like:. Do you trust MS not to 'peek'?. Do you trust your or foreign governments to not 'subpoena' your data (maybe without even bothering to tell you a la 'patriot act' and it's various lovely cousins). Do you trust MS not to 'leak', or be hacked? MANY other big companies have, what makes MS invulnerable?. Are you positive that the connection between your computer and the 'cloud' is unhackable? And other similar 'nasty' questions that MS doesn't want you to think about.

2012 07 24- Can Office 365 convince you that renting software is a good deal? Microsoft execs aren't yet ready to talk Office 15 packaging or pricing specifics. In fact, there are lots of specifics about all the different components of the next Office release that won't be disclosed in full today at the San Francisco Office 15 unveiling.

Little will be shared on July 16 about the new Office Marketplace, for example, officials told me, though they will be discussing the and now known officially as Microsoft officials are planning to provide more deep-dive details on all the apps and services through August and into the fall, Kapner said. Microsoft also won't be talking delivery dates today. But my sources - who were right about the public beta of Office 15 hitting in July - have said Microsoft's goal remains to release to manufacturing the final Office 15 client, servers and services before the end of calendar 2012, possibly around November. On the usefulness front, you can now import a PDF directly into Word, edit it as a Word doc, and then save it as either a Word doc or a PDF. Not only do imported files retain all of the original documents' formatting-including headers, columns, and footnotes-but elements such as tables and graphics can be edited in Word as such. When you're collaborating with other people on a document, being able to track the changes that each person makes is critical. This becomes much easier to do in Word 2013, thanks to a new feature called simple markup view.

Normally when I fire up Word, it just opens a blank document, but Word 2013 it takes you to a landing page. The page is similar to what you'd see in Word 2010 if you start a new document from a template: In a pane on the right, it hosts various thumbnail images illustrating the different templates; and in a smaller pane on the left, it lets you select from recent Word documents or open other existing files. Microsoft is pushing users strongly to work with the cloud. Win8 encourages users to log in with a Microsoft ID, as opposed to a local Windows account; the ID connects you to your, and enables your Microsoft programs to sync settings and information. In Word 2013, you can choose to save files locally-or wherever you want-but SkyDrive is the default storage location. The Status Bar at the bottom of each Office app has been restyled to match the general Metro look of the suite.

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Not bad, but as is often the case with Microsoft products, some familiar elements have been arbitrarily yanked. The shortcut to Draft mode in Word, for instance, isn't there anymore. This was annoying for me since I use Draft mode constantly with most documents. When you switch to the File tab and elect to open a document, you're given not only a list of recently opened documents but a list of locations (folders, network paths) where documents were recently opened. For someone like me, who's constantly squirrelling around in the same directories for different files, this is a godsend.

The new Design tab is where all the document-theming controls live now. These used to be jammed into a subset of the Page Layout tab and were consequently hard to find. One widely touted feature in Word 2013 is the ability to open and edit PDFs - which amounts to Word having a native filter that converts PDFs to Word documents. It's useful, but limited: The simpler the PDF, the more likely it is to survive the conversion with its formatting intact. I fed Word a few book-length PDFs just to see what would happen. They were mostly preserved, but certain kinds of formatting elements - the positions of page breaks, the lengths of lines with tabs, and headers and footers - were regularly mangled. In the run-up to Office 2013's preview release, speculation flew fast and far about how much the new Office would be beholden to Win8.

Most widely argued was whether or not the suite would be Metro-centric, or at least have certain elements deployed on top of Metro. Microsoft decided not to go that route, and the reasons seem twofold. One, all signs hint that Win8 is not going to displace the existing market for Win7; instead, the two OSes will sell side by side (shades of Windows XP and Windows Vista).

This means making any significant amount of Office functionality Metro-only would be a mistake. Two, Metro is an environment designed for what others have called 'lean-back mode.' It's a consumption environment, not a production one.

Instead, Microsoft has given Office 2013 a Metro-style makeover without making it an actual Metro app. The word 'Metro' doesn't even appear in the reviewer's guide handed out for testers of the beta. Microsoft also added a few key touch-centric features - again, just enough to make Office useful on a touch system without forcing people to rely on it. Office 2013 Public Preview: Office On Demand. You can trigger a web-based install of Office 2013 and start using any one of the applications in under two minutes? It sounds incredible, I know.

But it’s true. The key to this engineering feat is a new feature called Office On Demand. It’s really an improved version of the Click-To-Run technologies Microsoft employed in Office 2010, and like Click-To-Run, it uses Microsoft virtualization, “computer within a computer”, technologies and Internet streaming to blast Office onto your PC at speeds that will leave your head spinning. = screenshot gallery 2012 11 25- Review What’s New in Microsoft Office 2013? 10 things to love and hate about Microsoft Office 2013. The key thing to remember is that the 2013 license is associated with 1, presumabley yours, email address. You may use the license to install on up to 5 devices at the same time, including both PC’s and Macs.

The Macs still get Office 2011 for Mac, until it is eventually upgraded. Once you install Office 365 on a computer using your email address, you may share the installation with other Windows user ids created on that computer. That first email address is considered the “administrator” of the license. It can “uninstall” the license from a given computer if you want to transfer the allowed installation to another computer. Video: Activate / Deactivate your Office 365 installs Install Office on more than one computer Video: Adding family members to your Office 365 2013 5 installations.