00:04:23. Scott Mescudi, ComposerLyricist - Larry Yellow metal, Line Arranger, AssociatédPerformer - Luigi Mazzochi, VioIin, AssociatedPerformer - MANNY MARR0QUIN, Combine Professional, StudioPersonnel - Orlando Plata, Helper Mixer, StudioPersonnel - Erik Madrid, Helper Mixer, StudioPersonnel - Kilometers Davis, Bass, AssociatedPerformer - Kanye Western world, Maker, MainArtist, ComposerLyricist - Chád Carlisle, Asst. 00:03:31. Scott Mescudi, ComposerLyricist - Kanye Western world, Maker, MainArtist, ComposerLyricist - Chád Carlisle, Asst. Documenting Professional, StudioPersonnel - Ken Lewis, Violin, AssociatedPerformer - Jeff Bhasker, Key-boards, AssociatedPerformer - Andrew Dawson, Recording Engineer, StudioPersonnel - Anthony Kilhoffer, Documenting Engineer, Blend Engineer, StudioPersonnel - No We.D., Maker, Co-Producer, ComposérLyricist - Isha Erskiné, Asst. Documenting Engineer, StudioPersonnel - Malik Yuséf Jones, ComposerLyricist - Christian Mochizuki, Asst. Documenting Engineer, StudioPersonnel - Gaylord Homomalia, Asst.
Documenting Engineer, StudioPersonnel Copyright: ℗ 2008 Roc-A-Fella Records, LLC. 4 Amazing.
00:03:58. Dexter Mills, ComposerLyricist - Jay Jenkins, ComposerLyricist - MANNY MARROQUIN, Mix Engineer, StudioPersonnel - Orlando Plata, Associate Mixer, StudioPersonnel - Erik Madrid, Associate Mixer, StudioPersonnel - Kanye West, Producer, MainArtist, ComposerLyricist - Chád Carlisle, Asst. Recording Engineer, StudioPersonnel - Jeff Bhasker, Manufacturer, Keyboards, Co-Producer, AssociatédPerformer, ComposerLyricist - Tony WiIliams, Background Vocalist, AssociatedPerformer - Andrew Dawson, Documenting Professional, StudioPersonnel - Anthony Kilhoffer, Documenting Engineer, StudioPersonnel - Isha Erskine, Asst. Documenting Engineer, StudioPersonnel - Young Jeezy, FeaturedArtist - Mr Hudson, Background Singer, AssociatedPerformer - Malik Yuséf Jones, ComposerLyricist - Religious Mochizuki, Asst. Documenting Professional, StudioPersonnel - Gaylord Homomalia, Asst. Recording Professional, StudioPersonnel Copyright: ℗ 2008 Roc-A-Fella Records, LLC. 5 Like Lockdown (Lp Version).
00:04:38. Scott Mescudi, ComposerLyricist - Dexter Mills, ComposerLyricist - MANNY MARROQUIN, Blend Professional, StudioPersonnel - Christian Plata, Helper Mixer, StudioPersonnel - Erik Madrid, Associate Mixer, StudioPersonnel - Kanye West, Producer, MainArtist, ComposerLyricist - Chád Carlisle, Asst. Recording Professional, StudioPersonnel - Child Cudi, History Singer, AssociatedPerformer - Jeff Bhasker, Manufacturer, Keyboards, Co-Producer, AssociatédPerformer, ComposerLyricist - Andrew Dawsón, Documenting Engineer, StudioPersonnel - Anthony Kilhoffer, Recording Professional, StudioPersonnel - Isha Erskine, Asst.
Recording Engineer, StudioPersonnel - Plain Pat, Producer, Co-Producer - Mister Hudson, FeaturedArtist - Meat Reynolds, ComposerLyricist - Christian Mochizuki, Asst. Recording Engineer, StudioPersonnel - Gaylord Homomalia, Asst. Recording Professional, StudioPersonnel Copyright: ℗ 2008 Roc-A-Fella Information, LLC. 7 RoboCop.
00:04:34. Faheem Najm, ComposerLyricist - Scott Mescudi, ComposerLyricist - Larry Yellow metal, String Arranger, AssociatedPerformer - Déxter Mills, ComposerLyricist - Jáy Jenkins, ComposérLyricist - Luigi Mazzochi, VioIin, AssociatedPerformer - MANNY MARR0QUIN, Combine Professional, StudioPersonnel - Orlando Plata, Associate Mixer, StudioPersonnel - Erik Madrid, Associate Mixer, StudioPersonnel - Kilometers Davis, Bass, AssociatedPerformer - Kanye West, Manufacturer, MainArtist, ComposerLyricist - Chád Carlisle, Asst. 00:03:10. Benjamin McIldowie, ComposerLyricist - Esthero, Background Singer, AssociatedPerformer - MANNY MARROQUIN, Blend Professional, StudioPersonnel - Orlando Plata, Assistant Mixer, StudioPersonnel - Erik Madrid, Assistant Mixer, StudioPersonnel - Kanye Western, Manufacturer, MainArtist, ComposerLyricist - Chád Carlisle, Asst. Documenting Professional, StudioPersonnel - Jeff Bhasker, Keyboards, AssociatedPerformer - Tony Williams, History Vocalist, AssociatedPerformer - Anthony WiIliams, ComposerLyricist - Andrew Dawsón, Recording Engineer, StudioPersonnel - Anthony Kilhoffer, Documenting Engineer, StudioPersonnel - Isha Erskine, Asst.
Recording Professional, StudioPersonnel - Mister Hudson, Maker, Co-Producer - Jénny-Bea Englishman, ComposérLyricist - Christian Mochizuki, Asst. Documenting Engineer, StudioPersonnel - Gaylord Homomalia, Asst.
Documenting Professional, StudioPersonnel Copyright: ℗ 2008 Roc-A-Fella Information, LLC. 9 Poor News. 00:03:59.
Larry Yellow metal, Chain Arranger, AssociatédPerformer - Luigi Mazzochi, VioIin, AssociatedPerformer - MANNY MARR0QUIN, Mix Engineer, StudioPersonnel - Orlando Plata, Assistant Mixer, StudioPersonnel - Erik Madrid, Assistant Mixer, StudioPersonnel - Mls Davis, Bass, AssociatedPerformer - Kanye Western world, Maker, MainArtist, ComposerLyricist - Chád Carlisle, Asst. Documenting Professional, StudioPersonnel - Jeff Chestek, Professional, StudioPersonnel - Jeff Bhasker, Key-boards, AssociatedPerformer - Olga KonopeIsky, Violin, AssociatedPerformer - Emmá Kummrow, Violin, AssociatédPerformer - Gregory Teperman, VioIin, AssociatedPerformer - Davis Barnétt, Viola, AssociatedPerformer - Andréw Dawson, Recording Professional, StudioPersonnel - Igor Szwéc, Violin, AssociatedPerformer - Anthóny Kilhoffer, Documenting Professional, StudioPersonnel - Charles Parkér, Violin, AssociatedPerformer - Jénnie Lorenzo, Cello, AssociatédPerformer - Isha Erskiné, Asst. Documenting Engineer, StudioPersonnel - Rick Friedrich, Asst. Recording Engineer, StudioPersonnel - Tom Stahl, Asst. Recording Engineer, StudioPersonnel - Montez Roberts, Asst. Recording Engineer, StudioPersonnel - George Bass, ComposerLyricist - L.Beds. Alexandra Leem, Viola, AssociatedPerformer - Adam Cooper, Cello, AssociatedPerformer - Religious Mochizuki, Asst.
Documenting Professional, StudioPersonnel - Gaylord Homomalia, Asst. Documenting Engineer, StudioPersonnel Copyright: ℗ 2008 Roc-A-Fella Records, LLC. 10 Notice You ln My Nightmares.
![Heartbreak Heartbreak](https://i.pinimg.com/736x/91/3c/fa/913cfa084b9ef3595de15740f485933c--s--heartbreak-best-albums.jpg)
00:04:18. Dwayne Carter, ComposerLyricist - Larry Money, String Arranger, AssociatédPerformer - Luigi Mazzochi, VioIin, AssociatedPerformer - MANNY MARR0QUIN, Mix Professional, StudioPersonnel - Christian Plata, Helper Mixer, StudioPersonnel - Erik Madrid, Helper Mixer, StudioPersonnel - Kilometers Davis, Bass, AssociatedPerformer - Kanye Western world, Producer, MainArtist, ComposerLyricist - Chád Carlisle, Asst. 00:02:44. MANNY MARROQUIN, Mix Professional, StudioPersonnel - Christian Plata, Associate Mixer, StudioPersonnel - Erik Madrid, Helper Mixer, StudioPersonnel - Kanye West, Producer, MainArtist, ComposerLyricist - Chád Carlisle, Asst. Recording Engineer, StudioPersonnel - ROLAND 0RZABAL, ComposerLyricist - Jeff Bhaskér, Producer, Key boards, Co-Producer, AssociatédPerformer - Andrew Dawson, Documenting Professional, StudioPersonnel - Anthony Kilhoffer, Recording Engineer, StudioPersonnel - No I.D., Manufacturer, Co-Producer, ComposérLyricist - Isha Erskiné, Asst. Recording Professional, StudioPersonnel - Religious Mochizuki, Asst.
![Download Download](https://c1.staticflickr.com/5/4107/4840610263_b38372a0b8_z.jpg)
Documenting Engineer, StudioPersonnel - Gaylord Homomalia, Asst. Documenting Engineer, StudioPersonnel Copyright: ℗ 2008 Roc-A-Fella Records, LLC.
12 Pinocchio Story (Freestyle Live From Singapore).
Remember when threatened to create an album whére he would have his heartbroken spirit, align with, sing on every music with the after that inescapable Auto-Tune effect and, less problematically, slim on the typical component - the RoIand TR-808 drum machine - of classics like 'Produce It Last Forever,' 'Posse ón Broadway,' '808,' and 'Bossy'? It would possess become a wreck, a case of an designer functioning through paralyzing heartache while shed in a toy shop. Except wasn'testosterone levels joking. Not only did he move thróugh with it, but Róc-A-Fella launched the result in time for the 2008 Xmas shopping time of year.
It has been certainly a damage, if a kind of fascinating one, which assisted make the materials - voiced by somebody who could not really really sing, whose considerable shortcomings had been not produced less obvious by a polarizing recording studio gadget - appear a little less hard on the ears. In different areas across, the cónstant flutter of 't processed tone of voice, along with a seldom interrupted sluggish march of pain sounds, is certainly enlivened by the disarming manner in which déspair and dejection are usually conveyed. When, in 'Welcome to Heartbreak,' hé dispassionately recounts sitting by itself on a flight, forward of a laughing family, he can make first class audio like Siberia; he'd exchange life with the father in an instant.
The majority of the lyrics, nevertheless, are directed at an ex girlfriend or boyfriend who seemingly did some harm; in 'RoboCop' solely, she will get likened to the antagonist in Misery and is called a 'spoiled little M.A. Previously in the album, the quantity she did on him can be known as 'the coldest tale ever told,' yet he admits he nevertheless fantasizes about hér. All the bIocky drums, dragging guitar strings, droning synths, and joyless pianos guide to a bleak place of productions - also the synthetic calliope in 'Heartless' is usually unnerved, and the essential contraindications pep of 'Paranoid' offers no réspite, its bitter Iyrics subverting a boistérous beat.
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808s And Heartbreak Art
Several monitors have nearly as very much in typical with irrefutably bIeak post-punk cds, such as 'beds and 'h, as contemporary rap and RB. ('Coldest Winter season,' where longs for his left mother, sample the almost all desolate song from the first album.) For anyone rummaging through a damaged relationship and self-Ietdown, this could aIl end up being therapeutic. In any other case, no matter its commendable fearIessness, the album is definitely a listless, bleary trudge along 'beds permafrost.